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There are many types of skin diseases that can be associated with the working environment. These can be a reaction to a chemical irritant, or can be the result of repetitive actions causing the skin to react. Employers have a responsibility to protect employees from any risk of injury or harm, and that includes ensuring safe practice with regard to chemical and physical procedures. If you have suffered from a skin disease and you believe that it is directly related to your work, then you could be entitled to claim for compensation from your employer. Our solicitors have years of experience in handling these types of claims so get in contact today.

Who gets skin diseases at work?

Really anyone can be susceptible to skin diseases at work, but there are particular types of employment that statistically carry higher risks. These include:

  • Florists
  • Hairdressers and Barbers
  • Cooks and catering staff
  • Beauticians
  • Metal working machine operatives
  • Cleaners
  • Nurses
  • Dental practitioners
  • People who work in the chemical industry

What are skin diseases?

There are several types of skin diseases, the most common being contact dermatitis, within which there are two major types. Firstly Irritant contact dermatitis which generally occurs at the time of exposure to the irritant, and secondly Allergic contact dermatitis is a reaction by the body’s immune system and so can occur after the contact with the irritant has occurred. In addition there are several other common diseases:

  • Contact Urticaria is a transient immunological response of the skin that normally happens very swiftly upon contact with an irritant, but subsides swiftly afterwards
  • Folliculitis is the inflammation of the skin resulting from exposure to bacteria, fungi or viruses
  • Acne is the inflammation of the hair follicle that can result from exposure to an irritant
  • Mechanical skin disease is characterised by the mechanical trauma associated with particular tasks, especially repetitive functions.
  • Skin Neoplasia can result from exposure to some chemical and non-chemical carcinogens.

What to do if you suffer from skin disease

If you suffer from any kind of skin disease and you believe that it is directly linked to your job, then you could be entitled to claim for compensation. Firstly you should arrange to visit your doctor who will be able to help relieve the pain or discomfort. Secondly you should contact one of our experienced solicitors. They have dealt with very many of these types of cases over the years and will swiftly be able to tell you if you could have a claim, and if so how much compensation you might receive. Contact us today to see if we can get you the compensation you deserve.