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Whether you run your own business, work for a company or work for yourself, repetitive strain injuries can be a real danger within all sorts of work environments.

If you are an employee and you suffer from a repetitive strain injury you may be in a lot of pain, and even have difficulties in carrying out tasks that previously were easy. As an employer, if you have employees who suffer from repetitive strain injuries you may have to contend with lower staff morale, difficulties with some employees being able to carry out their jobs properly, and you could also face injury claims from injured employees that could cost your company a lot of money.

From whichever direction you look at it, the reduction or elimination of repetitive strain injuries within the workplace is of benefit to all involved, so taking steps to prevent and minimise the potential risks is crucial for all types of businesses and business people.

Take regular breaks

One of the causes of the development of repetitive strain injuries is the failure to have suitable rest periods between performing repetitive tasks or movements. Muscles need time to relax to avoid them becoming tense and stiff; while you may not need to lie down in a darkened room, time out from repetitive tasks – perhaps switching to a different task, or changing the manner in which you approach certain tasks, can give your muscles just the time they need to recover, reducing the risk of injury.

Posture and Ergonomics

Sitting at a desk and typing throughout the working day might not sound like a dangerous occupation, but long periods of time sitting in one position can put strain on the back, shoulders, neck and even wrists and hands. Frequent and repetitive use of a computer mouse can lead to wrist injuries building up over time. Ensuring that your chair is suitable and at the correct height and distance from the computer is a first step in reducing the risk of injury. Gel-filled wrist pads can reduce the strain on hands and wrists while ensuring that your computer screen is at the correct height can reduce the risk of neck and shoulder issues.


Before you go to the gym or go running you would naturally stretch the muscles you are planning to use, and while this may sound extreme; stretching before and throughout the working day can help to reduce the risk of developing injuries. Simple hand, finger and wrist stretches performed throughout the day can help prevent many kinds of RSI. Stretching out your back, shoulders and legs occasionally will also make you feel less stiff. However it is advisable to discuss any existing injuries with your doctor before commencing any strenuous stretching in case of exacerbating an existing injury.

Do you suffer from a repetitive strain injury?

If you have developed a repetitive strain injury through your work and your employer has failed to help you remedy the situation, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Contact one of our highly trained solicitors today, free of charge and with no obligations, to discuss your situation and see how we can help get you the payout you deserve.