Alongside the ever-increasing use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) such as computer screens, tablets and mobile phones, comes the ever-increasing development of upper limb disorders by those who use them on a regular basis.
Computer workstations and equipment can quite often be associated with neck, shoulder, arm or back pain alongside eyestrain and fatigue. In addition to this, the increased use of laptops, tablets and mobile phones for work purposes has seen an increase in issues resulting from working with poor posture, working in difficult positions, and spending long periods of time staring at an illuminated screen.
While the issues caused by these might not appear as serious as a spinal injury or a fall from height, they can contribute to lower worker morale, higher incidents of absenteeism, and an increase in repetitive strain injuries.
Due to the increase in the use of DSE over recent years, the Health and Safety Executive introduced regulations to manage the risks involved so that injuries and issues are minimised. As with so many areas of health and safety, a simple risk assessment can eliminate a range of potential issues before they become problematic.
A range of case studies indicate that by looking at the risks involved and by making small changes, a huge reduction in illness and discomfort can be obtained. Sometimes these changes involve the physical aspect of the work; such as the sitting or working positions, whereas in other cases simply altering time-management structures in order to give breaks during work can have a beneficial affect.
Workers have the right to be able to work without the risk of damage to themselves; whether that is someone who works in a foundry, or someone who works at a computer in an office. Employers have a duty to provide a workplace that is safe for employees to go about their business, and making sure that they have suitable working practices in a safe working environment.
If you have suffered as a result of an upper limb disorder, or any other type of repetitive strain injury due to your work, it is quite possible that you will be entitled to make a claim for compensation. Our solicitors have years of experience in handling these types of cases and will swiftly be able to tell you if you have a claim, and if so, how much that claim could be worth. Contact us today and let us help you get the pay out you deserve.