by mercuryadmin | Feb 28, 2017 | Causes, Compensation, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
Alongside the perhaps obvious dangers of working with a flame hot enough to cut through metal, often working near tanks of incredibly combustible gases, there are particular dangers from noise and vibration when welding. While TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding is a...
by mercuryadmin | Feb 14, 2017 | Causes, Compensation, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
Alongside the ever-increasing use of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) such as computer screens, tablets and mobile phones, comes the ever-increasing development of upper limb disorders by those who use them on a regular basis. Computer workstations and equipment can...
by mercuryadmin | Feb 14, 2017 | Causes, Symptoms
What is Latex? Natural Rubber Latex, also known as NRL is a fluid that is harvested from the Hevea Brasilliensis tree that while native to South America, is grown extensively in South Eastern Asia, in particular in Malaysia. The fluid is a mixture of organic compounds...
by mercuryadmin | Feb 7, 2017 | Causes, Compensation, Symptoms
Put simply, Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, also referred to HAVS, occurs as a result of spending long periods of time working with vibrating equipment. The vibrations can cause damage to nerves and muscles and the result is often painful and debilitating. Early Symptoms...
by mercuryadmin | Jan 31, 2017 | Causes, Symptoms, Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
Back pain is common and can in some cases be extremely painful and disrupting for those who suffer from it. However it can also be a problem for employers; if employees suffer from back pain they are likely to take time off from work and it may reduce their...